Market Surveys in Israel
Market ratios, market size, market share, market segmentation, the distribution of advertising expenditure among main brands, survey of the main companies, survey and analysis of main projects, survey of marketing and distribution methods. Characterization of consumers/customers, survey of demand.
Once decisions were taken with a blindfold…
Now all the information is available through CofaceBdi
The research of the market survey and marketing information department, CofaceBdi your private consultant, will provide answers to these questions and many others. The market survey department specializes in collection and analysis of information on sectors , sub-sectors and products in the Israeli market. Performing comprehensive market surveys, sector analysis and trend identification, etc.
The Department products:
- Market surveys
- Sector survey and branch overview
- Sector news
- Competitors analysis
- Market segmentation
- Market Net
- A unique Internet system in Israel on marketing and sector information